Saturday 19 December 2009

What if...

I would say "Seasons Greetings" but perhaps "A farewell to Seasons" is a more fitting greeting given the after (lack of) math of our shared Copenhangover. Curious creatures with great potential were it not for a few fatal flaws. The history of humanity emulates the structure of a Shakespearean play long before it had Shakespeare to so poignantly identify it repeatedly with such eleoquence in his work. We just cannot seem to see the forest for the trees. Resistance to change seems forever preferred over rising above and being proactive. I hope its not human nature and that we are as protean on this one as we are on some other issues (such as mobilizing for war) but there sure is a lot of evidence that our own survival as a species is quite beyond our ability to secure against the biggest threat of all (the one we always address last if ever): ourselves.